Carlotta Cisternas

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something worth writing home about: cold brew coffee

I was recently introduced to the wonders of cold brew coffee. Lawd have mercy, my iced coffee experience will never be the same! Cold brew has a smoother, clearer texture than coffee brewed regularly and is perfection in a glass when poured over ice. It's marvelous black, but you can use it in any iced coffee beverage. My favorite way to drink it, though, is with some cold milk and ice cubes. Mmm.

to make, you'll need:

+ a french press*
+ coffee grounds of your choice (I ground my own, but you can use already ground coffee)
+ filtered water
+ a couple hours time (at least 12, but preferably 24)

let's make this thing

+ Start by measuring out the coffee into the pot. I used six scoops because I like my coffee strong, but feel free to put in as much coffee as you normally do for a regular pot.
+ Pour in filtered water all the way to the top.
+ Let it sit for 10 minutes, give it a quick stir, then put on the lid (with the press UP) and leave it alone at room temperature for about 24 hours.
+ Once the time is up, push down the press. I like to strain the coffee through a fine mesh strainer to make sure all the grounds are out, but it's not necessary.
+ Store coffee in the refrigerator for up to a week (if it lasts that long).

*Don't have a french press? You can cold brew in a regular old pitcher; just make sure you pour the coffee through a fine mesh strainer several times after it's brewed to ensure all the grounds are out.